Hilisa looked as such:
"This world is dark at times and thus bravery is required to better overcome those monsters of the night, without bravery their would be no place for hope in the world and no joy to live with. As such I choose to face off against the dangers of the earth. I'm also agnostic!"
So the four of them headed into the land of fall to arrive at the tower of avondale, sneaking by the monsters to arrive without harm. This is when pharath pointed out that it would be two values that they would need to expect of the malum, to save the world:
promises of a better world with better things through less acts of violence and less acts of horrible nature, would serve as a reason for the next act, which would get them to that promised place.
The second thing was restraint, because overall in living a life,, it was restraint from things problematic that helped encourage a better level of comfort among groups of people.
They arrived at the tower, which served the purpose of leading to the greater world of Luna which was these four heroes residences, before them the tower was guarded by Patypa, a spirit of all Good. She let them pass. However, Patypa, being the good in all parts, felt that they could do better then violence and thus made them forget their goals upon arrival on the other side.
Patypa appeared as such:
Meanwhile, in Caven, where dwelt Sam:
Sam felt that the group he'd created represented the greater capacity for different views to get along and even defined a greater unification of those views so that in compromise they could get along like this even in his world.
He stated that:
Morals were diverse and that people had right to different things, that it was true that gays were both problematic and not, because they offended others and that through science, magic and bravery did better things come about.
None the less Sam felt that something was wrong with what he'd made, because he could not stand in the morals of Pharath, he wasn't a perfect man like Pharath and thus Sam decided he needed to make compromises between the good and evil of his story ( because he'd done it with the good guys )
thus Sam went into his writings as a character to teach the art of compromise.
He knew of compromise because of his theory of Parts, which were defined as different data points or objects portions that could be modified.
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