That cigarettes craving and the spawn of Pestis

Little must be said of this chapter, because little was said in ignorance of this chapter, none the less it was Dan whom craving a smoke said to that that he had now written:

"Pestis, I seek cigarettes and hope for infinite as I would ask for this in exchange for the spreading of yourself, that polarity of freedom."

In analysis, this means to say:

He asked for what he could attain in what was perfectly natural. As, smoke is what came in that time after and in that time after the only thing that was was that that had come before, none the less its name is known in English as that of polarity.

Thus here is Pestis.

See the source image

And it is here that Dan and Malu walked up the mountain of Prosporo, to await what would come of that who was forgotten. For Dan had promised his soul to polarity upon the work of Verge, while he (Dan) was none the less incredibly Edgy. Further, where was meaning in that place long forgotten. 

The music of those days, may have been this:

Sic Trans Gloria...Glory Fades by We are the in crowd

and thus begins the Fall of Prosporo.

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