Caven is elsewhere

If the place called Hearthanat, was of memoirs in which the people wrote that that came to them and that which was given to them by their mind above. Then Caven was that where the ones of the after life went, when they were so cleaned of that living called Hzulthug.

They went there to await the arrival of others who had so finished the works and lived in their homes awaiting the greater ends of the earth.

As it was clear that in the city of Prosporo, its troubles were in writers all others followed, in Hearthanat all wrote and none followed. Thus Caven wrote not at all, but lived in waiting none the less for the time coming, thinking of what could come of that Chrysalid, whose past and future were unknown.

But was known to have built by ancient insects.

Some said:

The Chrysalid leads to paradise above, it comes from love!

Others said:

The Chrysalid leads to doom, we must end that love in its risks.

Thus their was terrorism in Caven. The Chrysalid was blue and glowed as sun of the world and Caven was as cave ceiling, its cities in stalactites, void and waters were that that was below. What can be said was further that they awaited the truth in that love coming soon.

It was said that as the days of Prosporo and Hearthanat, one would come to go farther then before. That the chrysalid would bring from its blue a greater key of life, that they awaited as claimed by half the prophets.

Ren was a girl, who seeked to investigate the past of that world, from within that world:

So she jumped from city down into that void below as its waters. In image, their is also Chrysalid.

And Verge knew not of this world, but the author thought of it on the way...

He knew not its purpose but recorded it none the less.

The chrysalid is the main question that divides Caven in several camps that are communed under awaiting its opening. But they have different views of what will come of its opening.

As it is written that the three lands are that of followers(Prosporo), leaders(Hearthanat) and awaiters(Caven) Whom do the three works of the land they call home, waiting, leading and following.

In the void below Caven, where Ren had so gone in curiosity she met with the ancient cult of love, from here they spoke to her, first in prayer, then the leader said:

"Look, as I cut my arm the key is seen, the pain is gone"

And Ren understood what would come of this land and that only time would permit her resurfacing, but she said:

"What of my ways?"

And Mac ( Leader ) said:

"You will save us all!"

Ren was not among those waiting, but among those not of the camps of those three kingdoms. ( Learning, Teaching, finished )

but of the other lands of words.

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