Luck's is writing spaces!

Luck stood having finished writing his story about Sam and the rest of them. Luck had written this story over a lengthy period which he used as a metaphor for something greater then before, in which a certain answer remained hidden, until he had written  it here.

"The characters from before are in a story and are not real but simulation and play thus a virtual reality in the story on their end. They have lived in this other land for a lengthy period and travel about it having battles for fun, but in reality are simply friends."

They carry with them a crystal which is now held in Lucks hand, it is the virtual crystal of dreams and Luck will show ways to other worlds with it's ability:

Luck thought their were several spaces which permitted spatial travel of the multiverse and as such he described them and their reason of existence below, before defining one of his own that he discovered a long time ago.

The Mental: Is the world field which resides in the mind and forms itself solely on the thoughts it carries with it, as such it is able to exist entirely outside of physicality and behaves as such without consequence for reality undesired.

It functions due to emulation by the mind but is only accessed through the body and thus is a complex task to arrive to in material, but not in thought.

The Televal: The world field which exist separately from initial objective reality within the screen of a television and functions independent of reality, while having been partially created in reality as a filmography of vision and creation.

It exists dually thanks to its recording, convergence and naturally life likeness brought on by the force of electricity. As such it is real or false debateably.

The Virtual: Identical almost to the Televal, except it contains the capacity to be entirly virtual rather then filmed and has the ability to transfer the soul to its residence inside the machine of it's function. The use is often for a battle or competition among friends.

The virtual is manifest like the artificial aspect of the televal, but it represents a different role within the spatial multiverse, as it carries within its controller the souls of others.

The Paradal: The world created through the use of paradolia to manifest the reality we percieve as something other then what it is, such that any event within the space takes on a different approach then previously state by our natural view of its being.

This one exists as a projection of the mind and is the weakest form of manifestation, but none the less potent in its ability due to the humans projection into the real behind it.


These are the basic spaces, but others include sound, painting, imagination, comics, sculpting, theater absent and real. Which i have chosen to merely mention because it adds in complexity and leaves less to the imagination as to their cause.

Extra example

Below is an example world Luck created a long time ago:

A paper and pen game in which you care for pets by drawing them and taking them on adventures battling other monsters on your map and greater world with potentially other players.


But what he'd like to discuss now, is how the above four inter relate with each other and can thus make novel spaces. Each space as I should note, in turn is so personally defined that none of my reasons actually matter as this would void the point of infinite space.

None the less here are examples of several spaces made from the previous:

Mental Virtual

The space created when the mental thoughts an images are what control the virtual space rather then the explicit physical controller most are used to.

Paradal Televal

A space where the television broadcasts not actually sense, but paradolic rich environments to watch scenes that cannot generally be predicted.

Virtual Televal

A film controlled by the user, rather then generated by virtual space or merely linear time. As such requires a lot more filmography and actions.

Paradal Virtual

Like the space of Paradal Televal, but you control the alterations of the screen such that it behaves more like a video game, with potentially repeated shapes.

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