It is said that to those who seek them out, they still are.
She then appeared before countless people and her face was that of horror and her eyes led to nightmare. With it came that very thing she was in countless and with it did all become paralysed by her gaze. As she was fear and with fear came fright, dread and terror.
And with it came lesson that is this lesson:
Fear is that thing which often most fear, with it comes many discomforts, but fear is also depression when it is taken to further extremes, such as future or thing and such as past or people. The act of thinking of that which is scary is often ignored.
You can ignore fear. In ignoring that key, does the first continue for it is as being afraid in this lesson.
- You can look at fear.
But it is of question whether the ignorance of the horrors of life is worth it, because we know not what is in that hidden ignorance, that we don't understand or know or are aware of. Yet, in knowing that fear do we become depressed and confused as to our purpose and our livelyhood which in deepest of fear appears as but a lie of things worse that we know not and cannot change or are too weak to change.
You actually should listen to criticism, it permits another reason for the fear to cease.
- You are able to learn from what others say.
It turns us against each other and it ruins relationships, it makes people mad and makes people plain darker in its wake, and it is in its wake that it spawns these things with mere glances at it and at its real and existent things in life that seemingly have no answer and no reason behind them.
The ignorance of fear, is the thing she is in looking at her criticisms does hope return.
- Fear pretends she doesn't exist, looking is actually more hopeful
Worst yet, the realization that fear, is literally hope. Why is fear hope, because hope only comes when you already horrified and looking for something other then that fear to distract you from that terror in your mind that can't seemingly be resolved except by only hope that it may get better. What then can be said of that, if their is no more hope in the land of Prosporo? At least, according to fear...
The truth of fear is in its ignoring of it, because the hope previous seems adequate when it is gone.
- The hope is no longer found in fear, when the person ceases to fear hope itself in critic.
As Malu said:
"Meh, this isn't even that scary, its mostly just edgy..."
Malu, is a librarian at the library in Prosporo and she has a tendency to think of scary things on a daily basis. Even when she had read no book on the subject, for she kept fear hidden. Yet would it be in consequence of that secret she kept from others, or the act of Dan in revealing it to others that betterment is found?
It can actually be said, that those whom hear critics and criticism are more learned then those whom remained without more knowledge. Malu hears the nightmare, but isn't ignoring it.
- Thus is fear real, in the self at all?
For fear is an important one, for she has been hope, when their was not fear and it is when we ignore hope that their is fear. For critic is a hope for better and fear is denying criticism.
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