Please Read!!!
This blog does appear quite bright in design of its background, but the question is quite clearly whether that which inside is worth taking glance. If you can take not to polarity and learn from that which is stated in the ignorance and madness of Prosporo.As the lesson begins with what occurs firstly in its forgotten days, or perhaps in unknowing ignorance of such days. Thus the guardian at the front page is simply madness and the question of what many have called that madness, so far as it was firstly that lesson.
As Prosporo, which is not artistically earth has things in lesson that can be learned, it is firstly in that personal curiosity of madness that it came and then the result literally is madness that it changed, but its result ( if you would so far as think of madness ) is not the same as the madness wondered as what in imagination it might be. In basic:
I imagined what it was like to have delusion in sight of things not known, then i went mad in things of delusion in sight of things not known. But the imagination did not equal the actual result in the irony of the situation.
Questions sometimes do result in answers, when the poetry of those questions lead themselves to the answer.
And the story was written in teens then answered as adult by me, and it is in that ironic transition that the madness came forth. As I will state when teen becomes adult in that obscurity of places. Whose youth is still evident seeing as "teen" is not far gone from today of writing.
As such, what is written is memory of teen, who in assumed finished thought he had then found hopeless loss,then went mad into transience. Here below, is that which is on the first page of the notes of the book that had only few but were recreated here. The end of this story, was written at its beginning too but after and is incorrectly written given that 16 year olds are lazy.
As such here is Lepoxiania, spirit and persomnia of madness:
"You've fallen very far haven't you, you must return to that filthy city so far above!"
and if you wish to continue, hoping you have read what is written, then continue to the top part of the pages and read down from top to bottom, or continue where you last were.
And where you think it is finished, it is where it has begun.
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