What can be said of the meaning of the story is that abuse creates a knowledge of the world which effects the way someone is in their life and abusing knowledge can create that same effect in life ( or in book ) and the experience or the knowledge can ( as loneliness ) lead to that same effect of abuse.
What appears as being relevant to hearthanat, is actually not the case, because it is loneliness that leads there and Prosporo is a place unmet desires. Thus as an answer to that Caven is a place of abused knowledge or its abuse because it is finished and awaiting other.
So then let us tell the tale of:
The machine of wine and heroin
Scarlet awoke rather sad that morning in her house, this is Scarlet:
She was sad because her boyfriend, Mazer had recently been stabbed to death and she had to go to university without him. So she headed out to school even though she did not want to, but what surprised her when she got there was that no one seemed to care whether she was sad or not, they didn't even acknowledge her sorrow as if they were pretending not to care.
This made her angry and she left class, to go home to her mattress under a bridge because Scarlet was homeless, even though she remembered having a home this morning, so she went back to school in panic and discovered a homeless shelter in its place, where she became angry and confused as people asked where her boyfriend was.
Freaking out she returned to the mattress, where she had wine and heroin, she injected some and drank some then died, waking in her room with Mazer, who beat her as usual. Angry she repeated the same act of suicide and awoke from a virtual reality rather startled.
She interviewed Mazer, whom explained that the virtual reality was dysfunctional and required death to escape. This was why it included drugs. This in turn lead to an actual addiction in Scarlet and she became confused about reality, at which her and many whom tested the machine had died. In the following interview, Mazer smiled and explained this was his apparent goal, before being arrested.
As such it can be said that reality and nightmare sometimes converge especially when waiting for better days.
They pop in my mouth
Scarlet then awoke from a nap on the beach next to Mazer, when a strange many-faced-man approached and said:
"What is your biggest fear?"
Scarlet was uncertain, she said:
"Probably dying."
Mazer said:
"Probably nothing at all!"
Scarlet knew Mazer was fearless and this is why she liked him, he was so brave!
The many faced man then force fed her a candy, and then said:
"Behold, you are know immortal!"
Then the earth exploded and Scarlet lived as all other were killed, she flew up into the heavens towards the sun and was swallowed by it, where she burned for a while and then exited the other end into the great and cold space outside it. She saw first stars then galaxies as she drifted quite quickly through space.
up and out of this universe and then out of other universes she went until she saw beings far bigger then herself, whom were also dying like others, soon it had all vanished in extinction and everything was gone except for Scarlet hovering in pure void. Then she was thrown out of even nothing and before her stood the many-faced man. Except far larger then her, in his bedroom:
He placed scarlet in an oven where she melted and she became a candy, which was given to Mazer and swallowed. Mazer thanked him and then he grew old and died.
and the many-faced-man said:
"They just pop in my mouth!"
as he chewed on candies from across the galaxy!
It can be said that in the abuse of things knowing or asking, can things quite dark be written but in that abuse examplified, is it better to die or live eternally and was either really that bad???
But why has the many-faced man moved from Avondale to Caven, if their is no bridge but that that tears to peices, as Briv has seen the void, but his place in it is not the same anymore, Briv doesn't know he approaches Caven when he is outside its doors.
For he has come to the same but different spaces.
But why has the many-faced man moved from Avondale to Caven, if their is no bridge but that that tears to peices, as Briv has seen the void, but his place in it is not the same anymore, Briv doesn't know he approaches Caven when he is outside its doors.
For he has come to the same but different spaces.
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