The Kashesh ( the Symbiolic resonance of dial trips )

The Kashesh are a complex set of beings, who in turn are ruled by beings built from each other also known as the greater Kashesh. It can be argued that the first will terrify, the second will fight, the third will make compromise but the fourth will carry on in each. We will be discussing the fourth as they compose thrice the other three.

They are placed here in a Spirosophic sense, meaning they carry both a philosophy of life and are separately actual actors of spirit. Their is no reason worship is asked of, but rather in Luck and his friends view represent the greater values that spring from differential coexistence and not worship.

Thus the names is art of symbolism, the words are the philosophy.


But the plurality of the words is unknown, because the numbers of those words increases. The number is thus all numbers times themselves to an infinity.

Thus The story begins in Prosporo... whose infinity is beyond one world that is itself. Thus this is a legend they sometimes read while dwelling in the place of places. After time was.

End of Part 1

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