The advancement
Pharath has chosen to create as a second tool of his works, a new artform in which one draws solutions to problems as an image and relate the solution back to the moral of the jars ( which he has currently chosen not to make more of ). Thus Pharath seeks this end, the arrival of soluart.
Thus he will take a jar and apply the artistry to the relevance of it and the problem to be solved ( outside the jar ) such that the jar is the relevant one and the art is the solution:
This jar is of growth and motion while remaining who we are, because it is as we are that we expect others to love us.
Thus this is the symbol, the problem is elsewhere in the the consumption of too much alcohol, such that it causes others to feel uncomfortable.
Thus he painted the solution to his worlds problem, which he felt was needed:
Or they reap the hate they sow...
Thus Pharath continued with the next Jar:
This jar represents the speaking in good thought, such that one speaks well and relates to the nobility of those words delt, such that each person carries a different and unique flair, while speaking kindly and capably to others.
The problem Pharath chose is that bee's are in danger of going extinct because of issues with both area and mite, thus he suggests a new solution for his artwork:
This was being considerate of the bees and thus the spoken good thoughts could be seen even in action.
The last jar represented the protection of the weak and low through self defense and protection.
Such that it was good to protect those in need and better aid them in their works and desires to live.
Thus Pharath found a problem to discuss and suggested it be the nature itself and the trees which could do nothing when they were chopped down and did not carry to efficient growth of trees because they took so long to grow.
Thus pharath had another idea of how to make paper:
He suggested they use other plants for extra paper, because the trees took so long to regrow and as such he suggested that they could use hemp ( even tho drug use was in his list of more dangerous things ) and thus that hemp could produce the paper because it grows far faster then wood.
As such Pharath had created some manner of both reminding people of the solutions and their existence and solved some problems while doing it! Thus he was excited to continue with a later part of this greater project:
The spirit Patypa
Pharath chose as his spirit of living as the one called Patypa the moral guide and ruler of the bees and insects, because it fit with his ends of spirit and becoming in morality, thus he seeked her as a patron of his works.
He would merely have to learn her relationship with the world in this portion:
Patypa had a relationship with the earth through another place outside this reality, which permits the effect of morals within earth and it is done through the casting of the moonlight's yellow glow.
The moon reflects the sun and in the same manner her people reflect on morality, which is how it functions, the insects they sprawl across the landscapes, thus people live differently from others.
Thus in pharath's ways, to know patypa is to gain more insight on morality which is yet not understood and the growth of it gains in time with her relationships, such are the growths.
As an example, Patypa creates the insects as unique from other things, the uniqueness of person must thus be attained and kept existent, the relationship that grows from it and the moonlight is that some beings live in darkness but are still of this world.
As such it is in the details of those first a later things that she is defined in, through her morality. Her acts are lessons on the world from elsewhere of better days and better times then what has not yet been shown the light of the moon in the darkness night. ( which shines with that of a lamp )
The jars and paintings too are of relevance. Much can be learned from that moral that comes into place of moral. As such like the honeybee, Pharath seeks out the morality of good things.
As an end for Morals
Pharath had learned much from this experiment of taking that that he enjoyed and adding it with the idea of advancement and spirituality, but he needed that end to continue from so he built a city of three moral portions to better define his view of morals.\
So he created a greater end of the city of morals, in which the three different tones of person could coexist with some alteration of being. He defined those three groups of people as unique and different kinds of strictness to their morality and expressed that anyone was welcome.
The three strengths of morals were below:
- Ant morality as he described it was very loose but friendly, keeping to interaction with some downside or error but not overly violent. ( They could be gay, they could drink )
- Bee morality is more in between in variation, it is about the better self and the better way of living, it avoids those more harmful things ( They avoid problems, they don't drink )
- Wasp morality, is strict and organised specifically, they do not do wrong and would defend anyone who was in need at their life's price ( They have an absolute, they marry not )
Further, it was stated that Pharath viewed the violence as morally dangerous, and that they could not join Patypa in higher and better life through violence, even in self defense ( even when it can be necessary ) and thus one sacrifices their place in a better world through fighting.
But Pharath fights for those who wish not to fight and has sacrificed his own place in that better world, so that others may be there.
As such the world Pharath created was one of growing morality where one pursued the good in life and the betterment through it.
He also suggested his imagined city created the resources it needed towards that moral end, such that the context was an imagination that grew from the work in that reflected city on the earth. His city would make paper, honey and wine.
The moral end was beginning to write and thus Pharath finished up for fear of extending too far too quickly, as one could create this place quickly or slowly seeing as it was more a study then a belief and carried to numerous questions.
None the less his next goal became ( for a later time ) the ends of jar and art in the greater learning of ones betterment.
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