Sam was walking back from somewhere having just handed the crystal of dreams fulfilled to someone among the 8 he had accompanied on this journey, the crystal would permit whoever had it to get what they wanted and as such Sam's goal was to reveal the red dragon.
None the less Sam had his own project to work on, which he called Phentals and thus he hoped he could work on that before the crystals purpose was fulfilled. As such he set out to write about it, writing:
Phentals are physical bonds to mental concepts, they manifest as outward objects that have a mental function and as such are capable of diverse mental physical effect. He noted that a clock is a great example of a Phental and that their is countless utility in using these Phentals.
He wrote instructions on their creation, stating that they could be made in bonds of physical objects with mental concepts, for example:
- bowl + philosophy = philosophers bowl : A bowl used to ask questions about reality through its contents.
- plant + imagination = plant visions : A plant used with paradolic alteration of its appearance to see visions.
This was all their was to the simple Phental that permitted the act of novelty in object utility.
Leon decided to work on his clothing effects and how they effect each individual wearing or seeing them, thus he decided to classify the kinds of clothing first, then he noted the clothing was debate able in effect:
- Noble
- Classic
- Modern
- Fopa
- Swagger
Noble created a sense of peace in people, as such they were less concerned with them as something of risk and thus contained less acts of intimidation from others.
Classic caused a person to appear more conservative and less liberal in behavior, as such they restrain themselves from things that appear novel for that that was the past. Thus they a sometimes feared by those who are more liberal psychologically.
Modern clothing creates a very similar reaction in those of classical psychology, because their appearance is more offensive to that classical appearance which divides the two into separate views to begin with.
Fopa is that which would cause and create cringed reaction in traditional or even modern clothing arrangement and thus is rarely worn, due to caused reaction of those clothing being absurd in others eyes.
Swagger clothing is mostly intimidation and attractive clothing which creates both ( sometimes in separate sexes ) and thus is a more competitive form of clothing.
Scarlet had several works in the making and was quite content with her recent discovery of compromise as such, she took to both the study of sexual effects in mind and matter, thus she took to writing down the art of seduction as manipulation here and then moved on to that of mental compromise or as she called it, idexologogy.
Thus the first part was quite simple, one could in either sex, take advantage of their sexual role and body to manipulate and effect others in certain ways, dependent on the behavior desired and the reaction to ones appearance. None the less, she took to a greater study, beyond just this act of appeared effect.
As such she described lists of different concepts and built from it a towering ability to create novel concepts, for example in breeding science with magic, could she create the scientific study of magic and with a cross breed of philosophy and plants could she design philoplant, the study of plant related philosphical questions.
This permitted her to create vast amounts of concepts and continuously grow in knowledge at an absolutely constant degree. As all she had to do was add either concept together to create novelty and decided this innovation could be of incredible use.
She departed to tell the world of its many potential utilities.
Trixie was going to work on chems, which are essentially things as such:
- I am sad for the world
- I should fix the world
- Some people may still be Sad
- They can still be helped
but she decided to do some mind mapping instead and decided to create trippy ideas that make people feel high without using drugs, by trying to think of them like when she gave Driv a fancy little mind pill. As such she tried to find a trippy idea:
- Stars are actually alien soul ships where our bodies go to, to rest.
- The mind is actually capable of becoming any shape, if it thinks of it.
- Our bodies are material but we have energy waves that create life.
- The shape of mind becomes the wave, which is seeded in the sun.
these she thought were means to get high because she felt them in her mind, she knew that she would withdraw from them eventually but for the moment she thought of them, until they didn't get her high anymore, then she'd theoretically level out.
This she thought was also quite trippy.
Pharath want to encourage acts of kindness and friendship, thus he thought a good way to help make the world friendlier was simply to write a poem about friendship and spread it across town. As such he wrote the poem:
Friendship is found in a lot of places
we work together often in these spaces
together people live as they would and share too
in our works and in our lives sometimes were blue
but not alone when we all friends that bring good taste
and we ourselves, too stick to them like paste!
Then Pharath set out to spread this poem across the city they lived in and did not forget to offer the poor some change while he did this smiling. Pharath also went to a soup kitchen and volunteered, making soup for people and then he went home to read a book on the philosophy of morals which could make him a better person.
Pharath believed people should treat themselves as they wish to be treated and enjoyed spreading this idea, because it was good for teaching others that life was good if a person was good to begin with.
Further while Pharath had nothing against gay people, he thought it was in a persons right to be uncomfortable with it and thus he disagreed with gay people parading about expecting others to accept them.
He wished he could help the sick beyond kindness, but knew this was the task of science, thus he went to see Vane to see how Vane was doing with his own interests:
Vane sat at a table when Pharath arrived and he was working on his projects of interest, in which he was taking everything he had learned and was bringing it together into a cohesive whole or atleast was trying to begin this project. As such he made basic references to each previous part he would be learning from today:
Puzzle nodes contain meaning, object and appearence.
Wholephases are the coverings of matter in relation to phase element
Atoms are capable of bonds in relation to each other and base rules
Object particles outside atoms contain the aspects of puzzlenodes and will be called faun
He took an example object, a book as an object of study, then drew the information written:
he then set out to blend the components of the ideas together into a unified system of functions, as such he suggested that the atom and the faun were not the same space at all, but rather separate parts of reality that existed in distinct spaces, linked by the object between them.
Thus Vane said that the concept of objects originated from firstly atomic bonds forming the shape that then rendered upwards into object then into faun. What divided the faun from the object was the whole phase. He was thus excited to have found a way around the whole phase but he didn't know how to use the faun for something.
Until Pharath suggested it could be initially used for creating meaningful information and Vanes mind was blown! As it was true that referencing both the butterfly, the book and the learning aspects that you could then create metaphorical concepts, such as:
the book of learning butterflies
and given that it was a book, he could simply write a book about it!
Then the phone rung, and it was Sugu on the other end and she said:
"Can I tell you about my project and ask for some help?"
Thus they shared their things as such:
"Can I tell you about my project and ask for some help?"
Thus they shared their things as such:
Sugu was also working on her projects and the problem was that she didn't know how to connect the causam to the magic and divination, as such she described it to Vane and Pharath and they listened, first she told them her list of magical words for her spell and prediction:
- Ability
- Curiousity
- Manifestation
- Wholesome
- Potency
- Resistance
- Capacity
- Clarity
- Artistry
- Viewership
- Singing
- Comfort
Then she explained what her result was and texted a picture of her symbol drawing:
A curiosity that is potent, brings wholesome singing
her spell was potent artistry, it appeared as such:
From this she then asked how do either and the middle cross relate to the Causam. Vane suggests that the action is actually brought about by the Faun's meaning and appearence, which relates to the causam as functions of the body and as such their are three ways these meaningful events manifest:
- The magic is ascends from within the self unto universal causation of the outward world, this is because of the meaning of the act which reflects itself on the causam. It results in meaningful appearence
- The middle cross, eiscends from either position and if functional functions as would any idea based on its conflict and ability to resolve the conflict in the causam. It results in an object or meaning.
- Divination descends from the causam and as such is a preoccured prediction which takes place after the event of initial behavior, it is inverse to the reflection of magic. It results in a meaning
Further, Vane is skeptical that the body and the causam are a simple as stated, suggesting one can actually construct their own body, rather then merely in their body.
The reason for all three none the less is the existence of the meaning in the faun, what Vane can't answer is the coincidence, which is not real in Vanes eyes.
Sugu is please with what she hears and thanks him, when suddenly Hilisa calls and ask to join the conversation, she says:
Had been watching the entire thing, as he had often done, hearing it all on the wind of the words others said, that were not his own. None the less he cared not for their positivism. So he inverted the entirety of the concepts, before setting out to release the dream he had been handed.
While setting out he thought of it:
He is mindless and their is little reality beyond sights and ignorance, this permits eternal unknowing, people control themselves through their views on other peoples clothing, while begging compromise and lusts in general. They get higher off knowledge while being ignorant of their ignorance. Some do good and spend days in faith and in science gaining knowledge in manners of that ignorance and they try to stop any of my words. They ignore as i do.
With the jewel, Mazer released the shoggoth from its hidden lands and made the sky above the city that those people resided in, crumble. All the people were eaten by worms and the festering nature of it drove them farther into madness.
Hilisa... like many other did not live.
None the less, Pharath, Sugu and Vane escaped to the lands outside the walls of the domed city.
None the less, Pharath, Sugu and Vane escaped to the lands outside the walls of the domed city.
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