The left alone to be alone

On new years night while others drank, did Briv smile in mirror and return to the party. And in new year wrote his next story. Which was of reason in his experience in school and outside.

In that like before the meaning is written to better understand it before the writing is written:

These parts state that firstly the loneliness of being left behind by others creates several reactions in people including their own abandonment, their revenge on others, their cease of care for others or their imprisonment by others into sorrow.

Thus our story begins with Malu:
Malu left alone

Whom has gone on a camping trip with those she has not been made friends with, and was made to go by her teacher who has no comprehension of the affairs of her life. Thus she left for her trip with her four other classmates, whose names are Trixie, Leon, Mazer and Scarlet.

They arrived by boat into the ancient forest where old settlers had been said to first have lived then vanished in their lonely times and they spent their time ( the students and teacher ) learning about nature and its beauty. Then night came and they went in tent, Malu would be in the same tent as Trixie and Scarlet.

Malu had long hoped she could be friends with them, but they didn't care, preferring each other and the two boys did not care for her, preferring other girls.

Thus they slept innocently and Malu did too and when they woke, their teacher was missing and his tie-die shirt was all that was left, now covered in blood.

So the five students did try to find them, but Scarlet said to Malu:

"No one needs you, so you should just stay here!"

Then they departed to find that place where the teacher was, what should have brought students together left them apart and in turn, what they found would tear them apart...

As Malu went off alone to find something to do, going to the only meadow around, while the others went into deep woods, what the four would find was the abandonned settlers residence, left alone for many years never found. Then they found the body of the teacher, then they found the mutant remnants of what were humans having inbred into monsters.

These things attacked, Malu heard screaming but she had given up on these people. What Malu had found was quite simple, as she had found an old path out and took it down to highways built.

While the other 4 were eaten, Malu lived and had a burger at the nearby restaurant.

In moral, it is best to care about others as one day they might abandon you as you abandoned them.

None the less, the story was of an argument of Briv, who wrote this story for school. He wrote none the less another story related, some time later...

Leon and the caged dogs

Leon was a king of some land sometime that was not always the case in honesty. He ruled as he commanded and all were expected to follow his command precisely, worse still he kept his people in literal cages and for the most part treated them as dogs.

As such he felt that this was his kingdom and his way of living, and had done this in this way because he had never had friends, but for what reason would he imprison his people in cages if he wanted friends? Because he no longer cared for friends and had no reason for anyone being equal to himself.

He gained power through intimidation, even when his height was that of something other then tall and he wasn't overly strong, but it was those strengths that got him there. Because no one expected him to walk in and stab the old king and no one expected him ( seeing as no one cared for him ) to get his revenge on them.

In one of the cages, was a lonely Briv, whom had no reason to be lonely because he had all in common with everyone else yet none the less he felt lonely because they talked not to him from their cages and did not hear him as he tried and listened to them.

So Briv wondered too, as propaganda played...

To be or not to be...

So then in this can be understood at least in my view, that Malu served her own justice in abandoning Scarlet and other, and what is said in the same time is that this loneliness is passed on from Leon unto Briv, but Briv couldn't do as Leon or Malu because he saw what they did.

So that vengeance of being alone, brings it about too in other.

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