Because as we mentioned before, Dan see's both magic and science, and we have moved science away from magic ( the memory is its reasons ) and this fracture is what kept the science from ever acknowledging what it could not know, because it refused to see itself.
Yet, in that effect, which in question can be defined as something of either, is best ignored initially, because what came after that first memory of violence was the almost instant act of memory of that that came before and that that sprung the rage of the lost memory in the other, which turn activated the same act of fear and consumption in themselves.
Simply, the act of violence creates itself, first came faith in its acts of belief turned against itself in fear and consumption then came its counter against called atheism that remembered that consumption and fear, but remembered the hate that faith now shared with skepticism.
Yet it is that resultant fear that divided the city of Prosporo into firstly that of whether science or magic was reality and second whether you had chosen of magic or science as the result, in that someone and some have ceased already to read this blog, in the same respect as that memory forgotten and remembered of days when they spoke of either.
Thus Knowledge has become unable to believe itself and must always doubt and forget and cannot stand for the forgotten. While the remembered persists forever.
Memory becomes the thing everyone strives to know, while seeking the end of others.
As such it is what Dan said thirdly that would shock many into collapse of that memory and that forgotten, for it is here that he put simply the word : MEMORY and she rose out of nowhere hanging there with legs severed and unable to move, her name was ANIMIANIS and she was not of flesh, and she was not of spirit.
Dan had realized not only that fear and consumption persist, but so does memory and thus they effect the rest of the offspring, in the same manner. ( From hate brings hate of different poles )
From her missing mouth she whispered that if she is not spared and resolved, all others will wake remembering what was and will stuck in place as she without way back to that that was before, because her memories are the ones being taken and it these that in change are sprung from that fear and that consumption.
Those who forget, do not remember and thus their can be no lesson of critic or advancement to its own ends. The end thus is never attained according to its own erasure of the past, so the three things here lead to hate and difference ( they no longer know, they find, the believe, then they destroy ).
Any who has helped this living corpse, is said to have had their memories collapsed, because they no longer stand for future or past and have forgotten and remembered that that was source, source of this fear and consumption, that originated not in Dan, who was just as effected by these things as others.
He did remember as he returns to this point constantly. His initial counter, is in result self destructive because he took the opponent of the opponents and made them his instructions and opponents.
as such here she is:
But this page, what is this? It, it has gone past its times and memory.
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